Print-Age is a POR MARCHE FESR 2014-2020 funded project (Asse 1 – Obiettivo Specifico 3 – Azione 3.1: “Promuovere soluzioni innovative per affrontare le sfide delle comunità locali nell’ambito della salute e benessere” for a total budget of about € 1.680.000 and a contribution of € 847.889,63. The project partnership includes companies and sperimenters that are situated in Marche Region. The following companies: Diatheva, Diatech Pharmacogenetics and Mivell, in order to exploit the scientific and industrial expertise in the field of diagnostics and nutraceuticals will create a synergy through an active collaboration with leading research centers, represented by the Università di Urbino “Carlo Bo” and the Università Politecnica delle Marche. The specific objective is to develop products that will be used through an integrated approach to improve the health of the frail and elderly people, optimizing in the same moment public spending.
Companies will also have the opportunity to test developed products under real conditions (living labs). This will happen in private health care facilities for rehabilitation (Gruppo Santo Stefano, Porto potenza Picena), in public health facilities dedicated to the elderly care (Istituto Nazionale di Ricovero e Cura per Anziani, INRCA) and in structure for the acute management of vulnerable people (Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Ospedali Riuniti di Ancona).
Diatheva is the project leader and will coordinate all the research and experimentation activities concerning the development of:
– Diagnostic kit for personalized medicine;
– Diagnostic kits for the prevention of clinical risk in health facilities;
– Nutraceuticals for vulnerable people.
The role of Diatheva concerns the development of new systems for the prevention of clinical risk in healthcare facilities, in particular the activities concern the realization of a molecular kit which can be used for the monitoring of nosocomial antibiotic-resistant microorganisms and a kit for the detection of viable cells of Legionella from sanitary water.
Nosocomial infections are associated with a significant increase in mortality, long periods of confinement, a greater patient management complexity and human resources with a consequent cost increase.
The products developed by Diatheva for the infections control may provide information on the dissemination of the antibiotic-resistance in the individual patient and may help to identify possible contamination of legionella, allowing to take timely isolation measures, preventing epidemics and additional costs. In addition, through collaboration with end users of the products within health facilities, a continuous improvement of the technical specifications and product performances will be done.